September 20, 2020

Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, the President of the Company, has published book chapter.
Abdalla M. Darwish, Sergey S. Sarkisov, and Darayas N. Patel
Nanocomposite windows converting solar power into electricity for self-sustaining buildings
In "Gulf Conference on Sustainable Built Environment", Part IV. Energy Efficiency and Lifecycle Analysis. Book edited by Ali Bumajdad, Walid Bouhamra, Osamah A. Alsayegh, Hasan Ali Kamal, Salem Falah Alhajraf.
ISBN: 978-3-030-39733-3, ISBN 978-3-030-39734-0 (eBook), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-39734-0, Published: 2020. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, pp. 367-382.
February 4, 2020

Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, the President of the Company, has published book chapter.
Abdalla M. Darwish, Sergey S. Sarkisov, Paolo Mele and Darayas N. Patel
ZnO Nanocomposite Films Made by Multi-Beam Multi-Target Pulsed Laser Deposition
Chapter 3
In "ZnO Thin Films: Properties, Performance and Applications", book edited by Paolo Mele,
ISBN: 978-1-53614-086-4, Published: 2019. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 65-100.
October 26, 2018

Dr. Sergey Sarkisov (left), the President of the Company, met with Dr. Klaus Von Klitzing (right), Nobel Laureate in Physics 1985. The meeting took place at the reception at Alabama A&M University after Dr. Von Klitzing's lecture "A New Kilogram in 2019 - How my Nobel Prize Contributed to this Development".
Dr. Von Klitzing of the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany received the Nobel Prize in Physics "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect" in 1985.
August 13, 2018

Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, the President of the Company, has published book chapter.
Sergey S. Sarkisov and Avedik S. Sarkisov
Non-Contact Monitoring Bird Mass in Poultry Farms
Chapter 6
In "Agricultural Research Updates. Volume 24.", book edited by Prathamesh Gorawala and Srushti Mandhatri,
ISBN: 978-1-53614-137-5. ISBN: 978-1-53614-137-2 (eBook). ISSN: 2160-1739, Published: August 13, 2018. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, pp. 169-187.
December 21, 2017
Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, the President of the Company, has published book chapter.
Abdalla M. Darwish, Sergey S. Sarkisov, Paolo Mele and Shrikant Saini
Chapter 10
DOI: 10.5772/67961
In "Laser Ablation. From Fundamentals to Applications", book edited by Tatiana Itina,
ISBN: 978-953-51-3700-9, Print ISBN: 978-953-51-3699-6, Published: December 21, 2017. InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia - EUROPEAN UNION
December 21, 2016
Dr. Sergey Sarkisov, the President of the Company, has published book chapter.
Abdalla M. Darwish, Sergey S. Sarkisov and Darayas N. Patel
Concurrent Multi-Target Laser Ablation for Making Nano-Composite Films
Chapter 6
DOI: 10.5772/64816
In "Applications of Laser Ablation - Thin Film Deposition, Nanomaterial Synthesis and Surface Modification", book edited by Dongfang Yang, ISBN 978-953-51-2812-0, Print ISBN 978-953-51-2811-3, Published: December 21, 2016. InTech, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia - EUROPEAN UNION